Frequently Asked Questions

  • Damariscotta is pronounced like this:


    Say it like that and folks might think you’re a local. Maybe…

  • Please follow this link for a comprehensive list of parking locations:

    During busy times, such as Parade and Regatta, please allow as much as one hour to get into the festival area.

  • There is one wheelchair-accessible shuttle that will run every 15 minutes. The bus stop for this accessible bus is located on Church Street. near Bath Savings.

    The Regatta can be viewed from inside the warm and comfy Lincoln Theatre downtown, where it will be live streamed by LCTV!

  • Pumpkins can be located using the 2023 Interactive Map. You can also see the Interactive Map in the new mobile app!

  • The decorated giant pumpkins remain on display for at least 10 days. After a while, giant pumpkins have a tendency to revert to their primordial state and they become “challenging” to remove cleanly and safely.

    A lot depends on the weather, but expect to check them out within 10 days of the day they’re decorated!

  • Yes! Lincoln County Television will live stream the event.

    LCTV will have a link to the event live stream prior to the event.

  • Unfortunately, these events are not taking place in 2023.

  • Please review our Comprehensive Event Schedule!